Customer Testimonials

We value client feedback, it is in our quest to produce high quality workmanship and a pride in our work.


new build

“Rodney and his team were friendly and easy to deal with from start to end and delivered a fantastic job. They were helpful with their ideas and suggestions. We are thrilled with our loft conversion!”

Mrs J.M, Cambridge

new build

“Allied Building made a competitive tender. The quality of the work was good, the subcontractors were good craftsmen, and Rodney managed them well, being regularly on site. He knew a lot about all the different trades, and made constructive suggestions that led to a better result. His good relations with our architect and his active and energetic management of the job ensured success – we are very pleased with our greatly improved house.”

Christopher, Cambridge

new build

“Abp build constructed us a new build in Cambridge they project managed the whole build from start to finish. Rodney is very approachable and his vast building experience was very evident throughout all stages of the build. He and his team provided an incredible finish and we are delighted with our new home.”

Mr and Mrs Hirson